четверг, 13 февраля 2020 г.


If any data points have one of these special values, then the color table on the right of the Map and Plot tabs will indicate the existence of that special value. In the Performance window, make sure that there is a checkmark in the box next to "Exact ZeroWidth Lines. Adapting an existing visualization application for browser-based deployement: Close the data file you are viewing. Most high-end computers today are big-endian.

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The version number is printed in zoom window when the Orbit Viewer session begins. Get the input data for the plot from the Map tab. Run the setup script. Change the trnm of your view window. To return the plot to the original full-extent view, click on the blue Box button next to the Viweer buttons at the bottom of the Plot tab. This operation should create a C: A field of view is an individual observation.


At the bottom of the Data tab is a list of the known "special values," defined one to a row. By default, the entire two-dimensional array is shown in the image. To define the color of each pixel of an image, the pixel is assigned a number with a certain number of bits.

Sometimes the satellite is pointing forward, i. Optionally, create a desktop shortcut. The site then redirects you to ftp: Diagnose slow performance in the Orbit Viewer software.

Trmm Orbit Viewer -

The cause of the problem is your X windows viewed. Along the top of THOR's main window is a Menu bar File, View, Option, and Help menus that enables you to perform various functions or change display settings from their default value. Please mention any error messages that appeared on the screen.

Below is the sort of error message that will be printed to the screen in debug mode if you viewfr this problem: Turn the scaling off to see the actual values in a file. The left half of the window contains tabs for selecting data. Altering the colors in the color table. An organization within JAXA. In the lower left corner of the Plot window is a small hrmm box that indicates which area of the plot is being viewed.

If you are running UNIX, please send us the output of the "uname -a" command. To display an object, click on its name in the list. Viewerr a short delay to format the data, a window such as the following one will open to display the data. Place this command in your.

Double-click on the setupWIN. If you wish to display a vertical cross-section of the array, use the pull-down menu at the bottom of the Array tab to select one or two other variables to display. After typing a new value in the Inner Fraction text field, type the enter key. An image format with loss-less compression. When you click on a data object, it will be displayed, by default, in the Map or Plot tab depending on whether robit data object can be geolocated on a map of the Earth.

View the entire data array in a list format. As the name would imply, NCSA develops applications for supercomputers and has also developed software such as telnet and the Mosaic Web browser and data formats such as HDF. Once you have found the X11 package, type the following to install it on your Mac: A line plot in the Plot tab.

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